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Eco-Fashion: Peace, Love & Makeup ☮❤

F or many wanting to maintain their appearance - choosing makeup is a murky subject. This might be in a struggle for purity or even frustration because makeup ingredients are so complex. Enter Peace Love Makeup ☮❤ & Apothecary . Marcie Lakin is an esthetically focused entrepreneur launching a business that some might find to be an embarrassing secret. Marcie has years of experience in two major fashion centers - her perspective has been forged in the fire of freelance work. Let’s face it - this is one of the most difficult industries to maintain a healthy perspective. Ms. Lakin has done her homework on the matter and presents her endorsement of the products she is promoting from experience and study. She is also an accomplished urban gardener. Marcie has a perspective on make-up that might be challenging in the green community and certainly challenging for the fashion community. Peace Love Makeup ☮❤ & Apothecary looks like a soothing choice for those wanting healthy recommenda...

Monsanto on the Ropes  A global protest is planned for this Saturday May 25 2013. It's widely written that this multinational corporation has worked with Blackwater to specifically undermine the activities of protests rallied against it.  The corporate chilling of free speech will undoubtedly be present in this Saturday's world wide outcry against the business practices of this monopoly. But the momentum of the movement appears to be unstoppable despite any alleged dirty tricks and illegal subtrafuge.

#forwardonclimate rally in DC gathers 45k

In an unprecedented gathering - the largest in US history in support of Climate Change reform over 45000 gathered in Washington Dc to march from the Washington Monument to the White House to express support for Obama to strike the plans for the Keystone XL pipeline.

Flooding in New York City

At high tide the waters rose to within 20 ft of my door and poured  in the entry way of my building near the third avenue bridge. We packed our bags got the rug off the floor and packed up the cat to go but it occurred to me that high tide had passed and the waters wouldn't get any higher. Though they threatened to shut off the power to the building we stayed and the waters receded... PHEW!

Brooklyn Greenroof Booth at Union Square

Inger Staggs Yancey has an undeniably cute green roof booth at the Union Square Farmers Market Grow NYC Fest. I got a little slice of the technology from her for a buck and asked her for her first person description of her business. Thank you for stopping by my booth yesterday and being interested in what I do with green roofs and other green infrastructure. I founded Brooklyn Greenroof on Earth Day in 2008. Last year I reformed as Brooklyn Greenroof, LLC . The change in legal structure reflects a shift in focus from just designing green roofs to now also installing them. I This is installation season. We are finishing up one residential green roof installation currently and have two more scheduled to install this month. Next month, we plan to install two more. We bid on many different types of green roofs. Our most unusual upcoming project will be on the new Latter Day Saints Meeting House in Englewood, NJ. Our most common type is the row house roof, whether brownstone or...

Tree of Evolution: Nina Wheeler Roberts

N ina Wheeler Roberts provides gardening education in Harlem at the  Community Garden. Nina is also in Farm School.   More info on .   ABC did a 90 sec piece on Farm School. You can check it out at: wabc/video?id=8767938&pid=null   Here's some pictures of the kids she works with and some information about an interesting organization she is developing called Tree of Evolution. Tree of Evolution nurtures the relationships of human beings with each other and our world, allowing us to remember our true nature of living in harmony and love. We encourage, and provide resources for, scientific and experiential exploration, community ground action, elevated wellness, and art inspired by our world. We join with groups and individuals to create nourishing, vibrant, growing spaces, transforming environments and lives.     ~  TOE  ~ A little more...

Underground Garden in NYC : Interview with James Ramsey

J ames Ramsey and Dan Barasch have some amazing design work in where they envision an underground garden built beneath NYC. They have recently posted a kickstarter . I got a chance to ask James Ramsey some questions about the project. You can get more info at these websites. or Bryan Ogden: What made you think to put a garden underground? James Ramsey: In working with light redirecting technologies, I realized that there was really no limit to the places you could actually grow plants. As an amateur urban archeologist, I thought about how cool it might be to begin to bring sunlight and greenery to some of our "lost" underground spaces. Bryan Ogden   How does this work sustainably? What sort of maintenance would it require? James Ramsey:  It requires maintenance from several perspectives, from the light tech itself, to drainage, to the care of the plantings themselves. Bryan Ogden   What purpose does th...