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Showing posts with the label Community gardens start like this

Community Gardens Start Like This! Interview with Trish Anderson

T rish was getting a tree with her sister from the NYRP and Urban Garden Center free tree giveaway. She explained that she was getting the tree for a new community garden that she was starting. There's a lot going on with Trish and design / urban greening - more than meets the eye - so I asked her for an interview and found she is also working with the Brooklyn Grange on a Farm Store in Brooklyn. That story is going to have to wait, and I'm going to get to the bottom of her work as an interior designer as well but here's what Trish has to say about the community garden that she is starting. We were getting the trees for a community garden/event space we are building in the lot next to our design studio. We call the project Design. Plot. It all started when we found out our landlord was going to concrete in the space and turn it into a parking lot. We freaked as it was the last bit of green left on our industrial street. We signed the lease and set out to transform th...