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Eco-Fashion: Peace, Love & Makeup ☮❤

For many wanting to maintain their appearance - choosing makeup is a murky subject. This might be in a struggle for purity or even frustration because makeup ingredients are so complex. Enter Peace Love Makeup ☮❤ & Apothecary. Marcie Lakin is an esthetically focused entrepreneur launching a business that some might find to be an embarrassing secret. Marcie has years of experience in two major fashion centers - her perspective has been forged in the fire of freelance work. Let’s face it - this is one of the most difficult industries to maintain a healthy perspective. Ms. Lakin has done her homework on the matter and presents her endorsement of the products she is promoting from experience and study. She is also an accomplished urban gardener. Marcie has a perspective on make-up that might be challenging in the green community and certainly challenging for the fashion community. Peace Love Makeup ☮❤ & Apothecary looks like a soothing choice for those wanting healthy recommendations from a gifted professional.
MG: What ignited your interest in eco friendly makeup?
Chief Peacenik. Lover & Makeup Artist
 Marcie: I was a freelance editorial makeup artist in both New York and Miami for many years. (models, magazines, fashion shows, a few music videos, commercials etc.) My lifestyle, over the last many years has begun to shift toward a healthier greener way of life. It was just a natural progression for me. I had my daughter, Amelie almost six years ago and my interest in what she consumed and was exposed to, also intensified my need to find healthier alternatives to the toxic foods, skin care, makeup and household products society, unbelievably, deems acceptable.

MG: Why have you chosen the products you did?
  Marcie: It is important to me that the products I offer at Peace Love Makeup are products I love and covet! I love beautiful things. I look for a high quality beautiful natural/ organic easily usable products that are heathy to use as well as beautifully, (sustainably whenever possible) packaged and designed. They must have gorgeous colors and amazing texture. The products must be free of harmful chemicals and the company must be ethical. I love to support other companies that care about the planet and it’s inhabitants. I choose products I enjoy using and that make me feel beautiful and good about my choices.
MG: What makes your product offerings superior?
Marcie: I genuinely care about every choice I make. My friends will tell you I’m a Google fanatic. I research everything. I want the best quality and value and will only offer the same. Some of the companies like luxury brand, Nvey Organics, have been around for a while and have proven themselves to be great at what they do, combining plant and mineral ingredients. I am so excited about W3ll People (…love their tag line: “Hippie tested, diva approved” ) and Alima Pure (the second American company to be BDIH certified), as well as Award winners, Revolution Organics and Vapour Organic Beauty. I am so grateful that these companies exist.
MG: Are there any health benefits in wearing makeup?
  Marcie: Absolutely, mineral makeup not only makes you pores look tiny but it is a natural sunscreen, usually containing zinc. Kaolin Clay, also found in some mineral makeup, can actually draw out impurities. W3ll People contains rooibos, rose hip and whitetea in it’s ingredients. Tea has amazing antioxidant qualities. Nvey Organics infuses it’s makeup with organic botanicals, such as rose absolute and chamomile. The point is that there is a shift going on in clusters of society. We have finally cometo realize that we must do the best for our selves, make conscious decisions aboutwhat we eat and what goes on our skin. At Peace Love Makeup we share this ethic with each of our partners.
MG: What do you say to folks that believe that no makeup is the only green solution?
Marcie: This is the perfect question for me. I’m not wearing makeup right now. I do notalways wear it. I truly do think that beauty comes from the inside and we should feel   good and appreciate ourselves the way we look naturally.I also think that makeup is fun to put on. It is ritualistic, meditative and sensual. It is amazing to see the transformation in a woman who takes that special time withherself to cherish herself and enjoy her own beauty. Society has taught us to lookoutside for examples of beauty, of genius etc. When we treat ourselves with loveand kindness we grow our inner beauty. It reflects out to the world.Putting on makeup is a way of anointing our inner Goddess, being tender with ourselves. In life, to be happy, we must find a balance. We make the best green choices get back to the question, whenever I hear “the only solution,” my ears perk up. There are so many choices we can make. I think as long as we are intentional andinformed and try to create a beautiful, healthy life, we are going in the right direction.
MG: Is there anything you’d like to say to the urban gardeningcommunity?
Marcie: Well, I suppose I am a part of it! I have an urban organic garden in the back yard of my Coconut Grove (Miami) town home. Although I have to admit, I am not the one who does most of the gardening. It was built on top of the brick patio with CinderBlocks. I actually won it in a contest run by the Miami Holistic Mom’s Network! It was built by Art Friedrich of the Edible Yard and The Urban Oasis Project. I also volunteer for the Organic Buying Club of South Florida, hosting a bi-monthy organic produce co-op from my home. If I could say one thing, it would just be, Thank you. Thank you for doing your part in making our world a little greener and a little better.
Please Visit Peace Love Makeup & Apothecary at

Originally posted Oct  2011 we have re-posted the article again.


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