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Showing posts with the label New York Times Garden Writer

3 tips to care for the winter garden: Linda Yang

A s the author of the " City Gardeners Handbook " (previously reviewed here on Metropolitan Gardening) and a alumni garden writer for the New York Times, Linda Yang is a go to for tough gardening questions. She's the long time friend of NYC plant luminary David Protell and Garden Center Manager Rose DiCostanzo - so invited Metropolitan Gardening to the Chelsea Garden Center in Red Hook where she walked us through 3 important tips for seasonal gardening and decorating. We caught up with Linda on a beautiful Sunday afternoon - the Garden Center was stunning with evergreens and coniferous plants. It's a super place to get a tree! Linda raved about the benefits of her gardening as therapeutic - she remarked that being able to talk about gardening was the best thing for the change in the seasons and changes in life.