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Showing posts with the label Liberty Park

Signs of Liberty in the Night: #OccupyWallStreet

T he last couple weeks have brought a flurry of interest and news headlines to a peaceful uprising in NYC. At Liberty Plaza (aka Zuccatti Park) the folks who march put their signs on the sidewalk at the end of the day in a tapestry of messages. Most of the signs are very homemade looking and each slogan is unique. If you wondered what the messages of this protest were, here is an opportunity to read some of them for yourself. My time at the park was as a quiet reflective observer - I listened to a drum circle and witnessed human mics relying messages of hope and cheer. This was a polite well mannered and organized group. The participants were haphazardly strewn about the plaza chatting, lounging, eating, sharing. This was an honor to experience and wide open to the public, truly a historic event. RSS FEED to PICS