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Showing posts from May, 2013

Eco-Fashion: Peace, Love & Makeup ☮❤

F or many wanting to maintain their appearance - choosing makeup is a murky subject. This might be in a struggle for purity or even frustration because makeup ingredients are so complex. Enter Peace Love Makeup ☮❤ & Apothecary . Marcie Lakin is an esthetically focused entrepreneur launching a business that some might find to be an embarrassing secret. Marcie has years of experience in two major fashion centers - her perspective has been forged in the fire of freelance work. Let’s face it - this is one of the most difficult industries to maintain a healthy perspective. Ms. Lakin has done her homework on the matter and presents her endorsement of the products she is promoting from experience and study. She is also an accomplished urban gardener. Marcie has a perspective on make-up that might be challenging in the green community and certainly challenging for the fashion community. Peace Love Makeup ☮❤ & Apothecary looks like a soothing choice for those wanting healthy recommenda...

Monsanto on the Ropes  A global protest is planned for this Saturday May 25 2013. It's widely written that this multinational corporation has worked with Blackwater to specifically undermine the activities of protests rallied against it.  The corporate chilling of free speech will undoubtedly be present in this Saturday's world wide outcry against the business practices of this monopoly. But the momentum of the movement appears to be unstoppable despite any alleged dirty tricks and illegal subtrafuge.