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Metropolitan Gardening and Urban Garden Center are teaming up

Check out the Skillshare class, "Urban Gardening: Tips and Tricks for effective city growing." Help spread the word:

Here's the details:
Watch the video introduction:

The challenges of gardening in the city require a grab bag of tips and tricks to manage the urban landscape. Join Dimitri Gatanas and Bryan Ogden as they provide a series of hands on workshops and focused leaning experiances located in the heart of Harlem at the Urban Garden Center.


Bryan Ogden is the editor for He is co-teaching this course with Dimitri Gatanas the lead designer of the Urban Garden Center. Bryan has been gardening in the city for the past three years in environments ranging from residential rooftops and balconies to restoration work for the city at the Parks Department. Before that he had done media work for 15 years creating web media and producing electronic music. He's basically a senior media creative with a special interest in urban sustainability.

Dimitri Gatanas is a professional plantsman who is a third generation retail garden center owner. Dimitri brings the knowledge of a 50 year family tradition. His expertise is in the design building and maintenance of city backyards and gardens.

Urban Garden Center is a newly founded (1 yr) enterprise focused on gardening and green lifestyle. It's located in the heart of Harlem beneath a train trestle.



Hot Pepper Spray - DIY Pest Control

Sat, May 26th, 2012, 10:00 am - 11:30 am Urban Garden Center

DIY: Hot Pepper Spray- No bologna, Pepper Spray is good for pests.
Introduction to IPM and Organic Pest Control

1- Meet and greet - registration and initial get together inside the green house.

2- Go over to the La Marquet and say hello to the kitchen.

3- Short talk by Dimitri about IPM and Organic Pest Control
Including commercial products to choose and avoid.

4- Demonstration for creating DIY Hot Pepper Spray + Soap

5- Gift participants with spray bottles full of pepper spray previously created.

Format: Workshop


Gardening in the Shade of the City

Sat, Jun 2nd, 2012, 10:00 am - 11:30 am Urban Garden Center

The city offers some extreme challenges for growing. Many gardens suffer from low light conditions because of the shade from buildings and overhanging structures.
This workshop will focus on how to grow in the shade of the city, what plants to choose,
and how to best care for these shade loving plants.

The workshop will meet at the Urban Garden Center. Refreshments will follow.

Format: Workshop


Instantly Plant a Spring Window Box or Mini-Acre Garden

Sun, Jun 10th, 2012, 10:00 am - 11:30 am Urban Garden Center

Creating an effective and healthy mini-garden in a window box is made super easy by this workshop on growing in small spaces. Plant selection, the use of seeds and seedlings as well as effective soil management will be discussed. Moisture control and plant food will also be covered. Workshop participants will be given a window box at the end of the session to take home with them - if you are a skillshare participant this window box mini garden is included in the course price.

Format: Workshop


Green Roofs and New Technology

Sat, Jun 23rd, 2012, 10:00 am - 11:30 am Urban Garden Center

Green Roofs and New Technology

Green roofs are a rewarding mission to undertake. They provide cooling for the urban heat island effect,
can lower utility bills, reduce noise improve the aesthetic value of the property, increase the longevity of the
roof membrane and the list goes on and on.

Join us as we survey new technology in the development and installation of green roofs.
We will visit how to go about the design, install and care for these marvels of urban greening and creative plantscaping.

Even if you are just green roof curious this is a great workshop to come and get an over view about
how to get started in an understanding of the ecology and development of green roofs as well as meet
folks in the green roof industry.

Format: Workshop


Planning Your Backyard Garden

Sat, Jun 30th, 2012, 10:00 am - 11:30 am Urban Garden Center

Planning Your Backyard Garden

We will explore backyard garden design and planting. The workshop will touch on plant selection, plant placement, irrigation, soil amendment, vegetables in the city, high use areas, patio considerations and hardscaping, backyard decks and lighting.

We will discuss new materials and budget considerations. What's DIY? When to get a professional to help.
Format: Workshop


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