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HOUZZ?? What izz it? Interior design!

What do the Wall Street Journal, The Washington Post, The Independent, The San Francisco Chronicle, and the New York Times have in common? Well besides the fact that they are serious newspapers... They all rave about the interior design idea site Houzz. I have to admit at first glance it's difficult to tell exactly what it izz. It's not a shop... exactly. It's not really a magazine or a blog. It's sort of a crowd sourced place to get your nesting juices flowing.

After about 30 seconds of adjusting my perceptions of what a web site should be, I started to get it. And wow. There are thousands of home professionals and sources for home furnishings and, and, and, Houzz is a cornucopia of awesome ways to make the place that you live in easier on the eyes.  I think it was the shot of the bathroom with the shower that could be seen though glass doors to a small enclosed blinded patio that made the whole thing turn the corner for me. Anywayzz - Houzz is basically a go to place to go when you need to sourzz a zzuper creative idea of what to do for interior dezzign. This is a sponsored article.


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