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Interview with Twig Terrariums

Ok you're seeing a couple of serious interviews for ecofashion from the (capsule) show and you're wondering what's next? Well here's another company we found at (capsule) deep into green designs, that tailor makes it's wares, you could say they are bespoke because they will create to your individual needs and measurements and they use skinny little models too. They are TWIG TERRARIUMS and a fun thing for home and office fashion.

MG:What gave you the idea to put little people and moss together?

Twig:We're urbanites with nary a backyard between us except a little bit of concrete and a fire escape, so terrariums give us the sense of space and...acreage! Between us we now have dozens of backyards! Michelle has always been interested in botany, so of course she started the obsession. She found a cruet jar in her kitchen that she said was destined to become a terrarium. Katy soon followed suit and found a cute little mushroom-shaped jar. We both instantly fell in love with moss (now we're moss-o-philes!) and knew right away that these little gardens needed people. And once we began creating little park scenes and hobos 'round the campfire, we realized we were hooked. Not much longer, each of us had our apartments full of terraria! It's impossible to stop at one - we had to depict every facet of life and living, from gardeners to hikers to quirky scenes our fans and customers soon began to ask for. It's very inspiring to hear the ideas folks have for their own little green world!

MG:Why the name "Twig"?

Twig:So we had 50 terrariums each, at least. We realized that either we give them as gifts to everyone for the holidays, or we try our hand at selling them. After a month of trying to come up with a name, we decided to go relax in Prospect Park and enjoy a beautiful day. We were tossing ideas around when we noticed before us a perfect, knotty twig. And so it began...

MG:I understand you tell stories with your bespoke terrariums. What story
was most interesting to create?

Twig:We love to create scenes and themes on a whim, but some of the best stories come from our customers. We often get custom orders with some rather quirky stories behind them - from the parachuting couple that got stuck in a tree to the recreation of a famous mob movie's hit scene. When folks look at our terrariums, there is an instinct to create the narrative. Someone will look at the gentleman in the miniature park and immediately start his story - where's he going, where did he come from, who is he? Of course, we delight in listening to these exchanges! These terrariums are our babies - and we name each one! 

MG:What are you little figures constructed out of?

Twig:Only certain elements can be used within the moist environs of a terrarium. Our figures are made of durable plastics that can withstand the conditions of their little world while also being completely safe for the mini-environment.

MG:Have you done any work on a larger scale? or are there large works in the future?

Twig:We are collaborating with the New York Botanic Gardens for a terrarium exhibit and workshop in their Children's Adventure Garden this Spring! Our installations will be quite large and will represent a variety of eco-systems - not to mention a zombie attack!

MG:What kind of moss do you use and where do you get it? And the glass where do you source your 
glass from?

Twig:There are approximately 16,000 types of moss on Earth. We use upwards of twenty types, and often we go mossing ourselves! We also have freelancer mossers who get us the good stuff. As for terrarable glass, we love a challenge so almost anything's game - from chemistry glass to gumball machines! We try to have an assortment of new, recycled, re-purposed, vintage, and antique glass for our terrariums. We heart glass!

MG:WOW that's a lot of different types of moss!!! Tell us where we can reach you?

Twig:We invite folks to come visit our little shop of terrars in Gowanus, Brooklyn and online at Most urbanites need a little bit o' green in their lives, and we are happy to provide such an oasis for their homes and offices. 


  1. Came across this accidentally, but love the pictures and the artistry of these terrariums -- first time I've heard of it.

    Will look into it more....


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