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3 Simple ways of going green during the holidays

At the risk of actually expressing an opinion and sharing personal thoughts rather than the usual green info blurbs and interviews - I'm writing an op ed. My carbohydrated mind is generating - It's Thanksgiving and the gratitude for the privilege we have in this nation is giddy! Expect more of these - If you might actually like this - we can push out Cosmo meets Mother Jones and see what happens.

While on the road and traveling to see family and friends there are many temptations to leave familiar green habits. Baked goods and fast food from the truck stop, and extra trips to the store for butter, cigarettes and cheap beer from old friends. Ok this is laying it on thick but it's a common experience right?

The solution is to stay simple:

1) Use public transportation. Can you get on a bus? The train? Earlier this month when asked for a train stop in Manhattan the perfectly charming woman answered with horror - "Oh I'm not a subway girl!" Is green transportation for real?

2) Pack nuts and healthy snacks for the road. It's super convenience food to have it in your pocket rather than having to stop.

3) Shop local handmade stuff from people you know the names of or have seen through the years. Shopping local changes everything! Really! Your experience of other people and all your stuff will change - Think about anything you have that has been hand made or created and ask yourself honestly how you experience that object an your feelings about it.

Extra tip: Spend money when feeling peaceful and stand back to watch when a spectacle that creates anxiety is calling for attention. Notice the flow and exchange in your body as payment is made - make each spend conscious and intentional.


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