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Electric Bike = Green Commute

Being green is what it's all about just before spring plantings. So my friend pointed me in the direction of an electric bike shop in china town on Hester St.and I went over there to look. My wife needed to get wheels for a short commute to work - after talking about it and gee jawing endlessly we came up with an e-bike as a solution. The staff was great to talk to although they spoke mostly chinese they seemed to get the gist of my requests in english and we even negotiated some on the price.

The bike rode smoothly home up third avenue - though I don't recommend Manhatten traffic at rush hour for the faint hearted. All in all a good experience for a non techie in search of what seems to be a great little e-bike and a cool shop with good hearted people and great deals.


  1. One thing is for sure if they stock it, its a good bike. They stand behind their bikes and provide warranty support. An ebike is not something to buy online because you need after the sale support. electric bikes


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