Luke was nice enough to say hello during the busiest day of the year at the Union Square Farmer's Market NYC. These photos were taken at the River Farms booth where we could barely could say a word because of the sales traffic. I did my Turkey day shopping and picked up multicolored carrots a wonderful cranberry chutney some 5 varieties of potatoes and a bird all locally grown. I even broke down and bought some yummy looking pies. It was a cool crisp day and a wonderful shopping experience. Hopefully more will be forthcoming regarding the Farmers Market and Metropolitan Gardening. Stay tuned for some holiday cheer and Happy Thanksgiving!
O k you're seeing a couple of serious interviews for ecofashion from the (capsule) show and you're wondering what's next? Well here's another company we found at (capsule) deep into green designs, that tailor makes it's wares, you could say they are bespoke because they will create to your individual needs and measurements and they use skinny little models too. They are TWIG TERRARIUMS and a fun thing for home and office fashion. MG:What gave you the idea to put little people and moss together? Twig:We're urbanites with nary a backyard between us except a little bit of concrete and a fire escape, so terrariums give us the sense of space and...acreage! Between us we now have dozens of backyards! Michelle has always been interested in botany, so of course she started the obsession. She found a cruet jar in her kitchen that she said was destined to become a terrarium. Katy soon followed suit and found a cute little mushroom-shaped jar. We both instantly...
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