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Dusty Gedge is the punk rock of green roofs. He's put green roofs on Barclays Tower in London and the Komodo Dragon House at London Zoo. He is a leader in the UK in the promotion and development of green roofs... and perhaps the emerging go to consultant for euro policy and planning on the matter.  and ... and... and... he juggles. Dusty sent us this link to a training film on green roofs to share -

Metropolitan Gardening caught up with Dusty while he was in Istanbul doing a wildlife adventure and asked Mr. Gedge a few questions recently.
MG:What made you think to integrate juggling and green roof training?
Dusty: not sure about but juggling is a system and we are interested in eco system services - there is an analogy there - i think!
MG:Do you have any patents? What innovations you have seen over the years?
Dusty: Don't have patents as I not very commercially minded! Innovations - there aren't really any innovations - this is the problem everyone wants the latest funky thing - they focus on 'unique' systems which are more about engineering and less about the really interesting things - plants and growing media.
MG:What would you share with the folks in other areas beyond the heath and heather - are you a proponent of green roofing only with native species?
Dusty: I am not a native fascist but am keen on replicating the ecological processes of the local and regional. I once called myself the President of the anti-sedum fetishist society!!! However sedums on a green roof can actually help the native forbes flourish so it is a balance and about pragmatism.


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