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Urban Garden Profile: Cara Dafforn explains what racing and gardening have in common.

Perennials and Gazing Balls
Cara Dafforn runs U-Relish Farm in Indianapolis. Metropolitan Gardening got a chance to interview her over the last few days and found that she had an urban garden as well as the farm. In the garden she has five raised beds and a perenial patch as well as a three tree orchard. A pear and two apples. She explained that the last few years has been tough but she's making lemonade and keeping her spirits up by gardening and working on her farm.

Under the 100 year oak
MG: Indiana? I mean we get the farming aspect but are there even cities in Indiana?  
Cara: I live in the capital city of Indiana with skyscrapers, stadiums, a city market and a canal walk. In 2012, our metropolitan city, Indianapolis hosts the Superbowl. The merry month of May brings transplanting and the 500 race. We move about on monorails between hospitals and are a bike friendly city.  
MG: Is there any combination of farming and racing in Indianapolis?  
Cara: At the heart of every Hoosier is a farmer who loves to race around to see what might bloom.  
MG: what really gets you excited about your Garden?  
Cara: I live in a neighborhood just minutes from the heart of the city “Monument Circle” called Fountain Square and my homestead is called Oakhill because of the 100 year oak tree that shades most of my double lot.
Raised Beds
Villa Gardens


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