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GARDEN TECH: Green Tech Media and forecasting the future

Been hunkered down  to study up on how things might go in the future of urban gardening. Three articles in Green Tech Media over the past year have been formative.

The New American Farmer takes a look at the attrition aging will have on the agricultural industry and suggests that the young urban farmer may be a serious contender to fill the work boots of rural grand dad.

Green Agriculture - the next hot investment sector? Explores the notion that California VC's have been looking at agriculture to put money into. Most notably for us they mention Organic Girl who had 150 million in sales in only the second year in business.

However recently when handing out investment advice, urban farming isn't mentioned. Take a look at GreenTechMedia's Top Ten IPO Candidates  The company reviews are dense and arguments are beyond this writer's scope but somewhat puzzling.With the growth of Farmer's Markets one might think that a hot new startup could pop up in the urban agriculture sector.


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