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ORIGINAL GARDEN RECIPE: Stir Fried Sugar Snap Peas and Shrimp

1/4 cup Sesame Oil
2 lbs Fresh Shrimp
1lb Sugar Snap Peas
2 table spoons Sichuan Peppercorns
2 table spoons Grains of Paradise
1/4 cup Pickled Ginger
1/4 Chopped Roasted Garlic
Dash Soy Sauce
5 cups Water
Be careful but make sure the wok is sizzling hot!
Large Wok
Wooden Spoon
Measuring Cups
2 Bowls large enough
 for Shrimp and Sugar Snap Peas
1 small bowl for grated peppercorn mixture
Large Boiling Pot
Pepper Mill

Put the pepper corns and the grains of paradise into the pepper mill. Grate the mixture into a small bowl. Put water in pot to boil. Wash and remove the shells from the shrimp wash shrimp again and place them in the large pot of water reduce to simmer until they turn pink (2 minutes). Remove from heat, Strain the shrimp from the water put them in a bowl. Set aside. Wash the Peas and snip the ends from the sugar snap peas with the scissors. Set aside.

Enjoy your garden fresh sugar snap peas in a stir fry dish.
.Put wok on medium to high heat. Carefully spinkle a drop of water into the wok if it dances on the bottom then put seasame oil in to the wok and heat the oil covering the bottom of the wok While stirring put the pickled ginger into the wok put the chopped roasted garlic into the wok.Put the grated pepper mill mixture into the wok to taste - stir. Make sure your wok is sizzling hot. Then use equal amounts of  sugar snap peas and shrimp. Stir the pea pods into the wok stir  the shrimp into the wok. While stirring cook the sugar snap peas only till they are hot (they will brighten slightly in color). and splash the soy sauce in to taste. Remove from heat  - place in bowls and enjoy with chopsticks.

Recipe © Bryan Ogden 2010


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