Of course the New York Botanical Garden is amazing to visit - 250 acres of heaven- and especially "The Edible Garden" exhibit running now. There's nothing like seeing the herbal choices of celebrity chefs! - but isn't it great to hear from gardeners that are summering in NYC from other cities? Hip Chick Digs tells the story of her visit to the NY Botanical. Her blog is like hanging out with a cool friend visiting from the Pacific Coast that knows more than you but just wants to tell you about stuff - her enthusiasm and easy going writing style are very charming. Ms. Hip has visited several botanicals recently including the Brooklyn Botanical and the White House veggy garden. She just finished her vacation here said her kind goodbyes put the keys on the counter and left to go back west. See ya around pal...
C orbin Hill Farm offers fresh locally grown vegetables in areas of NYC that are often poorly served by traditional food distribution infrastructure. Additionally they offer a financial model of participation that brings the term "food justice" to mind. In an era of huge corporate food delivered invisibly Corbin Hill Farm offers smiling faces committed to proving a model of growing and consumption that solves many outstanding difficulties. I met with the folks delivering food at Urban Garden Center where they bring the goodness. MG: What is the main goal of a CSA in New York City? CHF: Although Corbin Hill Farm is inspired by the CSA model, we are actually a Farm Share. Unlike most CSAs, we offer flexible membership terms in order to make fresh produce accessible to the diverse communities we serve. Our primary goal is to eradicate food deserts in Harlem and the South Bronx. MG: Is this a profitable venture? CHF: We are...
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