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GREEN HUMOR: Green research question brain storming

Super Research idea generator for iPhone from Tapku was used to stimulate the following questions: What happens when green sustainability immerses work life? How does green sustainability spawn talking? What happens when green sustainability skews linguistics? How does green sustainability overwhelm narrow-mindedness? What will happen if green sustainability overwhelms local knowledge? Why does green sustainability finance user-generated content? What are the consequences when green sustainability writes user- generated content? How does gardening reorient postmodernism? Does gardening warp Cultural Studies? Does gardening pave apologies? What are the consequences when gardening pushs radio? Why does gardening mend awkward moments? How does urban farming hustle glamour? What are the consequences when urban farming hustles public discourse? Does urban farming repair public discourse? Why does urban farming sharpen intelligence? Does urban farming power vision? Does

EDITORIAL: Green Imagination

Recently I took a career interest inventory which highlighted an interest in horticulture. While exploring this with a trusted adviser the benefits of a relationship with plants and gardening became crystal clear. My grandparents loved gardening and would explain plants to me from "dirt". There's opportunity for healing and connection here. -If respected - a hopeful focus on the intersection of faith, artistry and design can emerge.